Who's she?
キャラクターデザイン/イラストレーション/Live2D制作 : いか さん @ikasan
3Dモデル制作 : 殊文こまの さん @kotobumi_komano / 殊文むぎな さん @kotobumi_mugina
VRのリズムゲーム"Beat Saber"のプレイ動画を中心に活動する動画投稿者です。
デビュー前の2021年5月に急性大動脈解離を発症、生死の境をさまよいましたが、上行大動脈の人工血管への置換と冠動脈バイパス手術を受けて生還。リハビリを経て再びBeat Saberがプレイできる程に回復しました。
She is a video contributor who focuses on playing the VR rhythm game "Beat Saber".
She used to work as a driving instructor at a driving school, so you may see her use that experience in her videos someday.
Before her debut, she suffered an acute aortic dissection in May 2021, which left her in a life-and-death situation, but she survived after undergoing artificial replacement of the ascending aorta and coronary artery bypass surgery. After rehabilitation, she recovered enough to be able to play Beat Saber again.
April 4th
Favorite thing
Vehicles that I can drive myself
Favorite food
All kinds of custard creams